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Web3 UX Design Course


Web3 UX Design Course explains globally accepted principles, guidelines, practical tips, tools and techniques with real life example and case studies that will help UX professionals and product teams to create next gen experiences.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to generate innovative and meaningful use cases to empower business models and organizations with Web3 technologies and concepts: NFT, AI, Crypto, Metaverse, dAPP, DAO, P2E Gaming, DeFi, Blockchain, Smart Contracts…
  • What Web3 UX principles and guidelines are and how to apply them to design frictionless experiences while ensuring functionality, security and performance
  • How to turn your users into a connected and productive community by applying Web3 and Metaverse approaches
  • How to foster Web3 adoption by everyday people beyond technical users

The founders and teams of the world’s famous Metaverse projects held talks and panels on related topics such as DAO, Web 3.0, Blockchain, Avatars, Play-to-Earn Games and NFT.

User-Centered Experiences started to evolve into User-Owned Experiences with our new universe, Metaverse. We can say that this revolution in the field of “experience” affects and includes the UX community most. In these days when we are redefining “the user” and bringing online experiences to 3-dimension, we discussed all these topics with experts and the community to create the best experiences of the future.

Web3 UX Design Mentor Book


To create more innovative Web3 use cases and resolve usability problems that prevent adoption of blockchain-powered technologies such as dApps, smart contracts, NFTs, the metaverse, DeFi, and cryptocurrencies UX designers, business analysts, brand executives, marketing and product teams should have knowledge of:

– Community Building & Engagement,
– Web3 UX Design Process,
– Purposeful dApp Development Principles,
– Web3 UX Design Standards and Principles,
– Metaverse UX, and
– Creator Economy and 3D Thinking.

This book explains each of these knowledge areas with real-life examples, case studies, international standards, principles, tools, and techniques.

UX Metaverse


World’s first UX Metaverse aims to enhance your professional developments and community engagement.

UX Metaverse is a mentorship platform where you can find answers of most frequent questions, ‘do’s and ‘dont’s about UX design and Usability techniques, principles, guidelines and best practices.

You are also able to watch speeches about how top global companies apply design mindset.

InAlt ID


InAlt ID is an interdisciplinary project connecting embodiment practices of the artist Rosana Antoli to emergent interaction paradigms in UX/UI.

InAlt ID is the result of a collaborative endeavour between Antoli, ArtBizTech and UXservices to integrate actionable principles of horizontality, participation and experience into UXservices’ renewed brand identity. In 2021, while metaverses propagated and expanded to host much of our lives, Antoli and ArtBizTech conducted a series of consultations and workshops with UXservices where gestures served as the instrument to nurture inclusive, beyond-human-centric values for future UX practices.

As a platform for collecting, speculating and fabulating new relational identities in the metaverse, InAlt ID seeks to expand its cosmos of relations through further collaboration.